Our networks

Fostering a sense of belonging

Colleagues chatting on the office roof terrace

At Which? we have a number of networks that celebrate our diversity, making it easy to connect with colleagues who share similar experiences and interests to foster a sense of belonging, provide resources and support and create a safe space to share experiences, build relationships, and drive positive change. 

Person, Adult, Female, Woman, Face, Head, Conversation, Reading

LGBTQ+ Network 

Our LGBTQ+ network launched in 2017. Our LGBTQ+ network at Which? is an opportunity for LGBTQ employees across the business to meet and socialise. We organise informal social gatherings such as post-work drinks and lunches and work-place initiatives around commemorative LGBTQ+ events  such as Pride and LGBT History Month. The LGBTQ+ network spans both offices so anyone can get involved!

Mosaic Network

Our Mosaic Network network launched in September 2021 and provides a supportive space for ethnic minority colleagues, celebrates cultural differences and contributes to a more inclusive Which? culture.

We organise social events, and activities for members, support the Which? EDI strategy and provide a safe space for colleagues to discuss topics that matter to them. We're looking forward to welcoming new members and hearing from them to help shape the direction of the network.

Disability, Accessibility and Neurodiversity Network

Our DAN Network who provides a supportive space for our colleagues with disabilities and neurodiverse conditions with an aim to provide a better and positive understanding of disability in the workplace